St. Patrick“s Day 2009
We had an absolutely brilliant St. Patrick“s Day, thanks to all our regular friends and visitors.
We opened doors at 11:30 in the morning. There was a great St. Patrick“s day mass up at the lovely big church opposite the Hotel Monopol, at 12 noon. Then everyone came down to enjoy a ver tasty bowl of Irish stew made by Pino from the next door restaurant "Ana Marķa Bar."
It was a great atmophere, Des singing a potpourri of Irish songs,people eating the delicious stew, Anne and Anna doing a wee jig and a reel, Javi and Esmeralda enjoying the banter with the guests..........what more to a great start to the day!!!.It was lovely to see Mike and Joan Cooper again (haven“t seen them for a few years) who came down for the stew with all the family.
We closed at about 4:30 pm to have a little rest and stock up the fridges. We opened again at 7:30pm to carry on the party.
This is a slide show created in MySpace.(Click in the slideshow and that will take you to MySpace. Then above the photo, on the right, you can see each picture by clicking the NEXT button. Or log on if you are a member..) The photos were taken by Dave Godfrey.If you want a copy of the photos, Dave can make you a cd.
You can contact him at 610862352 or e-mail him at
More photos below and our own slideshow
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Telephone: (+34)922386164